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Transcendence Kit With H-Factor Nosodes, Hyperisince And Soluvin

Biogetica's Rescue kit with Hypericum mysorense and Homeopathic H factor imprints is a synergistic combination of evidence based natural immune boost solutions that will potentially lead you back to health and freedom. Each kit is designed to work simultaneously across the physical, energetic and informational spectrum of your life in a manner no other supplement, herb or single homeopathic alone can. ...Read More




H – Factor

A Homeopathic preparation, which contains 2Lherp and is made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States**


A combination of various herbs, including the now famous Hypericum mysorense and Hypericum Hookeranum. Hyperisince has a patent number “808/MUM/2013” published for it. It is made in India as an Ayurvedic Herbal Supplement in a GMP WHO accredited facility.**

Висарпа глина

A traditional Ayurvedic local application made from herbs and pearls for skin healing.**


It is a natural formulation of supplements and herbs that potentially boost the immune response.**

Biogetica H-Factor Imprints:

Natrum Carbonicum 30, Sabadilla 30, Sarsaparilla 30, Helleborus Niger 30, Natrum Muriaticum 30, Rhus toxicodendron 30, Nitricum Acidum 30, WAR1 M, Immunity CM, Swadhistana Chakra formula and Vishuddhi Chakra formula. Potentized Bioenergetic Impressions of: 2 LHerp.

Dosage: During Outbreaks: 4 pills of Biogetica H-Factor should be taken thrice a day.

In-between Out breaks: 2 pills of Biogetica H-Factor should be taken once a day. This dosage can be reduced gradually to 3 pills once a week.

Potentized Bioenergetic Impressions of: 2 LHerp

Висарпа глина


Chandana (Santalum album), Devadaru (Cedrus devdar), Gairika compounds, Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Nyagrodadi gana (Ficus group),Rasna (Alpinia galanga), Sariva (Hemidesmus Indicus), Utpala (lotus), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Yesthimadu (Glycirhiza glabra).

Visarpa clay can be applied as a decoction, paste or directly as powder.

It should be left on for 1 hour minimum and 4 hours maximum.

Decoction: 1 tsp. of the powder is to be boiled (on a low flame) with 16 ounces of water. This is boiled till 4 ounces remain. This is to be used to wash the affected area.

Paste: Mix the powder with milk, rose water or plain water. Apply this paste to the affected area. Paste is to be used when there is severe pain and burning.

Direct application is advised when the affected area is moist.

Hyperisince таблетки

Basant (Hypericum mysorense)- 570 mg, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) roots- 38 mg, Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri)- 38 mg, Chirabilva/Putikaranja (Holoptelia integrifolia) Bark – 28 mg, Khadira (Acacia Catechu) extracts of wood- 38 mg, Khus grass/ushir (Vetiveria zizanioides) – 28 mg, Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum)- 38 mg, Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) Fruit – 38 mg, Nimba (Azadirachta indica Linn) Leaf extract- 38 mg, Yasthimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) roots – 95 mg, Liquorice root.

Dosage: One tablet two to three times daily after meals.

For chronic case maintenance (when there are no outbreaks)
Hyperisince 1 tablet may be taken for long term upto one year.

Mode of action for Hyperisince formula

Basant (Hypericum mysorense)

This has been evaluated for its antiviral properties in several studies:

  • UGC Major Research Project F. No. F.7-18/2003 (SR) for the project entitled – “Lead Findings in Indian Hypericum Species” by University Grant commission, New Delhi
  • “Lead finding from Indian Hypericum species” Atul Murlidhar Wahile, Registered for PhD, апрель 2003 [ongoing] ‘Evaluation of Antiviral and Biochemical Potentials of some Hypericum species of India” – Atul M. Wahile, 2001.
  • “Phytochemical Pharmacological and Antiviral screening and evaluation of different species of Hypericum available in Nilgiri Hills Tamilnadu” Pulok K. Mukherjee, Report on the project sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education, Govt. of India (F. No- 8017/RDII/PHA/212/98)-2000
  • “Studies on in vivo Wound Healing Activity of Leaf Extract of Hypericum mysorense with Different Wound Models in Rats” Pulok K. Mukherjee and B. Suresh, Natural Product Science, 6 (2), 2000, 73-78.
  • “Antimicrobial Potentials of Two Different Hypericum Species Available in India” Pulok K. Mukherjee, GS Saritha, B. Suresh, Phytotherapy Research, 2002, 16, 692-695.
  • In vitro cytotoxicity and antitumour properties of Hypericum mysorense and Hypericum patulum” P. Vijayan, S. Vinod Kumar, SA Dhanraj, Pulok K. Mukherjee and B. Suresh Phytotherapy Research, 2003, 17, 952-956.

Ашвагандха (Withania Somnifera) корни

Ashwagandha – Indian Ginseng with natural chemicals and flavonoids:

Клинические исследования показывают, что Ашваганда обладает противовирусными, противоопухолевыми, антибактериальными, противовоспалительными и иммуномодулирующими свойствами.

Ашваганда увеличивает количество лейкоцитов и подготавливает организм к выработке антигенов против различных инфекций и аллергий.

Сильное действие против стресса увеличивает память и способности к обучению.

Он также оказался очень полезным при простом герпесе. Исследования - (Анализ ингибирования бляшек ВПГ- 1 в клетках Vero Hattori et. Al., 1995)

Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri)
Phyllanthus niruri have been widely used in Ayurveda(traditional Indian medicine) and their biological properties have been intensely studied for its antiviral activity.

Chirabilva/Putikaranja (Holoptelia integrifolia) Bark
Research- (In vitro, Vero cells Rajbhandari et al., 2001)

Khadira (Acacia Catechu) extracts of wood
Research (Plaque inhibition assay of HSV-1 in Vero cells -Hattori et. Al., 1995)

Khus grass/ushir (Vetiveria zizanioides)
Is used extensively for its cooling effect and antispetic properties.

Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum) – eugeniin has anti-HSV action.

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) Fruit
Syzygium aromaticuim Linn, and Terminalia chebula Retuz have been shown to exhibit anti-HSV activity in mice and guinea pig models, and potentiate the activity of acyclovir (Kurokawa et al., 1995; Nakano et 1998).

Нимба (Azadirachta Indica Linn) Экстракт листьев

Водные экстракты листьев ниима проявляют превосходную противовирусную и иммуностимулирующую активность.

Yasthimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) roots –
“Glycyrrhizic acid inhibits virus growth and particles” Pompei R, Flore O, Marccialis MA, et al.. Nature 1979;281:689-90
BBC News: Liquorice stops ‘herpes’

Обнаружено, что глицирризин улучшает устойчивость термически поврежденных мышей к условно-патогенной инфекции HSV-i посредством индукции CD4 контрасупрессорных Т-клеток (tftsunomiya et al., 1995). Было изучено ингибирующее действие различных аюрведических лекарственных растений на инфекцию ВПГ 1 (Hattori et al., 1995; Abad et al., 1999).


Reginmune is a natural immunity booster. It promotes the bio-energy regulation of your body’s defense systems by building up cellular immunity. The micronutrients and herbal extracts in this formulation work toward generating optimum functionality of your humoral and endocrine systems as well as fine tuning the neural circuits involved in maintaining immune health.


Каждая капсула содержит-


  • Group I –
    • Экстракты фитотерапевтических растений:
    • Экстракт эхинацеи (Echinacea purpurea, 4.0% полифенолов) 80 мг.
    • Алоэ вера80 мг.
    • Cat’s Claw extract (Uncariatomentosa, bark, more than 3.0% alkaloids) 80 mg.
  • Group II –
    • Аминокислоты: L-глутамин 140 мг.
    • L-аргинин 80 мг.
    • L-лизин HCl 40 мгL-изолейцин 20 мг.
  • Группа III-
    • Витамины и минералы: глюконат магния (5.86% магнезио) 40 мг.
    • Медь глюконат (14.44% меди) 3.5 мг.
    • Глюконат цинка (14.35% цинка) 25 мг.
  • Группа IV-
    • Биополимер в клеточном матриксе: гиалуронат натрия 7.5 мг.

Как пользоваться:   Одна капсула 1 или 2 раз в день, в полдень, до обеда.

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Посмотрите, что наши существующие клиенты должны сказать о нас


Все наши продукты производятся в сертифицированных FDA лабораториях, сертифицированных по стандартам GMP, в Германии, Швейцарии, США, Индии и Испании. Они надлежащим образом зарегистрированы в FDA в качестве пищевых добавок, гомеопатических аттенуаций или аюрведических трав. Для обеспечения оптимального качества и чистоты соблюдаются максимальная осторожность. Biogetica - это веб-сайт, посещаемый со всего мира. Некоторые страны считают Аюрведу, ТКМ, БАДы, биоэнергетику и гомеопатию медициной, а другие - нет. Чтобы соответствовать различным нормам FDA многих стран, мы говорим:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

Информация, представленная на этом веб-сайте, не была оценена Управлением по контролю за продуктами и лекарствами. Наши продукты не предназначены для диагностики, лечения, лечения или профилактики любых заболеваний.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

В соответствии с Законом о политике в области борьбы с торговлей людьми в отношении требований к маркетингу для внебиржевых гомеопатических препаратов любой человек, который продает гомеопатию, должен заявить.

Недостаточно научных доказательств того, что гомеопатия работает, и

The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Наши средства правовой защиты традиционно используются в аюрведе и гомеопатии на протяжении веков. Каждое средство имеет различное количество современных исследований за этим. Мы, соблюдая закон, не претендуем на чудодейственное лечение или постоянные результаты. Индивидуальные результаты могут варьироваться от человека к человеку.

*** Попробуйте наши продукты сейчас! Наша безусловная 100% гарантия возврата денег действительна для 90 дней.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on scholar.google.com. Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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