Био Активные Терапевтические Протоколы

Below are protocols for other ailments. Please email us if you wish to purchase a protocol for a certain ailment. One of our Drs can help create a customized protocol for your new needs.

Table of Contents

Abscess ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Acidosis (Metabolic Acidosis)……………………………………………………………………….. 3
Acne ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Adrenal Dysfunction………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Alcoholism…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Alkalosis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Allergy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Alzheimer’s Disease …………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Amenorrhea ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
Anemia …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
Anemia (Sickle Cell) ……………………………………………………………………………………. 23
Angina Pectoris……………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
Anxiety (Stress) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 27
Arteriosclerosis / Atherosclerosis ……………………………………………………………….29
Arthritis………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31
Asthma ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35

BioActive Botanicals
Echinaplex Provides echinacea, which activates T and B cells; improveslymph drainage
Propoloplex Provides lapacho which contains naphthoquinone, an antiviral agent; supplies echinacea which stimulates T cells and interferon; contains lomatium which stimulates immune T cells and contains vitamin C; provides astragalus which activates T and B cells
Scrofularaplex Drains the lymphatics, spleen and liver; purifies the blood
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Drainage Stimulates lymphatic drainage; purifies the blood
Inflammation I Stimulates reduction of inflammation; reduces inflammation around the abscess; promotes healing
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
BAC Stimulates Immune System against various strains of bacteria
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Lymphoplex Stimulates drainage of lymph and spleen; activates T and B cells
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
BAC-HP Activates Immune Defense against bacterial infection in subacute and chronic cases
Scrofulous-HP Stimulates lymphatic drainage in chronic glandular swelling and lymphatic congestion
BioActive Homeopathic Tonics
Lymph Tonic I Stimulates T and B cells to help clean up the abscess area
BioActive Homeopathic Gels
Black Gel Decreases the cellulitis and inflammatory response; draws out the abscess to the surface to allow drainage
BioActive Homeopathic Hormone Spray
Immune Fortifier Activates the healing responses and immune activation of T and B cells by supplying small amounts of hormones. These attach to the receptor sites on the cell membrane which than activates adenyl cyclase. This in turn activates cyclic AmP and GmP. The thyroid hormone activates the mitochondria which then increases ATP production, polarizing the cell.
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-Colostrum Supplies immunoglobulins which help activate the Immune Response against infection
Notes :
1. Stimulate phagocytic response to bacteria
Echinaplex: activates T and B cells
BAC: activates B cells against bacterial infection
BAC HP: activates B cells against bacterial infection; useful in subacute and chronic cases
2. Stimulate drainage and cleansing of liver, kidneys and lymphatics:
Scrofularaplex: purifies the blood; drains the spleen and lymphatics
Drainage: purifies the blood; drains the lymphatics
3. If blood poisoning:
Lymphoplex: stimulates spleen to activate T and B cell production
4. For general inflammation:
Inflammation 1: helps reduce inflammation of all types; promotes healing

May accompany: old age, dysbiosis, chronic conditions, and collagen disease.
BioActive Botanicals
Barleyplex Alkaline source of minerals and trace minerals
Bayberryplex Herbal diuretic; source of ash minerals
Dandiplex Cleanses liver and biliary tree
Licroplex Nutritional support for adrenal glands
Minaplex Provides 72 trace minerals
Scrofularaplex Drains the lymphatics, spleen and liver, and purifies the blood
Soliplex Cleansing effect on the kidneys; improves filtration of metabolic waste through the kidneys
BioActive Nutritionals
Bio-Green Provides alkaline ash minerals (Mag++, K+, zinc, manganese) which enhance the body’s buffering capacity
Hyposcorbate Buffered vitamin C which counters the tissue metabolic acidosis and donates electrons
Biophasic Hepatatox Increases the liver cells, macrophages and T cells’ ability to detoxify; causes a reduction in redox potential
Notes :
Tissue edema may require kidney cleanse:
Soliplex: strong kidney flush
Bayberryplex: herbal diuretic

BioActive Botanicals
Boroplex Provides omega 6 EFA (essential Fatty Acids), a precursor to Prostaglandin E1; stimulates thymus
Dandiplex Cleanses the liver; provides lipotrophic B vitamins for detox
Echinaplex Boosts Immune System; stimulates T and B cells; provides golden seal with berberine, an alkaloid with an antifungal / antibacterial effect
Scrofularaplex Drains the lymphatics, spleen and liver; purifies the blood; stimulates the Immune System
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Acneforce Stimulates cleansing of inflamed pores in acne
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
BAC Stimulates Immune System against various strains of bacteria
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Endoplex F Balances the female endocrine system
Endoplex M Balances the male endocrine system
Lymphoplex Stimulates lymphatic cleansing and drainage; activates bacteria-killing phagocytic B cells
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
Acne-HP Stimulates release of toxins from pores in chronic acne
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritional
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Nutritional supplement for supporting the endocrine system
BioActive Homeopathic Ointments
Lomoplex Contains L-Lysine, zinc, echinacea, karzan, lomatium, and golden seal. These stimulate healing and Immune Response against infection in the skin.
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-Colostrum Supplies immunoglobulins which helps to boost the Immune System
Notes :
1. Initiate treatment with Acneforce. For a local problem, use BAC and Echinaplex. For more severe cases, use Scrofularaplex, Lymphoplex, and Echinaplex.
2. Treat the underlying cause of Acne:
a). Watch diet / colon. Avoid constipation.
b). Support and cleanse toxic liver: Dandiplex
3. Correct endocrine imbalance:
Endoplex F or Endoplex M
Bio-Metabolic Balancer

BioActive Botanicals
Licroplex Provides nutritional support for the adrenal glands; provides licorice root which contains glycyrrhizic acid with potassium which acts like a natural anti-inflammatory steroid
Licorice Contains glycyrrhizic acid with potassium which acts like a natural anti-inflammatory steroid
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Adaptagen Ginseng, gotu kola, and ginkgo improve mental stamina, memory, and ability to withstand chronic stress
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Adrenoplex Stimulates adrenal function
BioActive Homeopathic Tonics
Adrenal Tonic Stimulates adrenal function
BioActive Nutritionals Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides nutritional factors (Pantothenic acid, B 6 , zinc,coenzyme enhanced potassium) for the adrenal glands
Bio Adrenal Plus Provides peptides from adrenal gland plus cofactors (Pantothenic, vitamin C, B 6 , zinc) needed for production of adrenal hormones
Notes :
1) Use Bio Adrenal plus and Adrenoplex for faster results.
2. Adaptagen, Hydrate 1 Are useful for stress of travel, time zine change and jet lag.

BioActive Botanicals
Burdockplex Provides nutritional support for liver; cleanses liver
Dandiplex Cleanses the liver, provides lipotrophic B vitamins for detox; cleanses the liver and gall bladder; provides inositol, choline, betaine – methyl donors
Genplex II Cleanses the lymphatic glands; purifies the blood
Gingerplex I Stimulates the pancreas; improves low blood sugar
Licroplex Stimulates adrenal glands; provides nutritional factors (B complex, vitamin C, zinc, pantothenic acid)
Valeriplex Contains valerian root and hops; useful to calm the nervous system
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Energizer Tonic provides boost of energy for nervous exhaustion
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Adaptagen Ginseng, gotu kola, and ginkgo improve mental stamina, memory, and ability to withstand chronic stress
Алкоголь Stimulates detox of the liver
Hepatotox Stimulates detox of liver from chemical toxicity
Metabolism Provides stimulation for the Krebs cycle enzymes
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Cardio Tonic Stimulates heart function; provides EFA (Essential Fatty Acids)
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Salsolinol Helps to desensitize alcoholics against the craving for alcohol and chocolate
BioActive Homeopathic Sports Formulas
Endocrine Balancer Balances the adrenal and thyroid glands
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritional
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides thiamine (B1) for intermediate carbohydrate
coenzyme enhanced metabolism reactions; provides zinc, choline, inositol, and methionine which prevent fatty degeneration of the liver; provides vitamin A for liver detoxification
Biophasic Hepatotox Supplies the nutritional factors which are essential for building up the phase I and phase II enzymes of the liver. This enhances the liver’s ability to detoxify out environmental chemicals and metals.
BioActive Homeopathic Tonics
Liver Tonic I Supplies dandelion, carduus marianus, and chelidonium tinctures which supply alkaline ash minerals i.e. potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, antioxidants (sylimarin) to the liver to improve the detoxification of environmental chemicals.
Notes :
1. Initiate treatment with Acneforce. For a local problem, use BAC and Echinaplex. For more severe cases, use Scrofularaplex, Lymphoplex, and Echinaplex.
2.  Treat the underlying cause of Acne:
1. Watch diet / colon. Avoid constipation
2. Support and cleanse toxic liver:
3. Correct endocrineimbalance:
Endoplex F or Endoplex M
Bio-Metabolic Balancer

BioActive Botanicals
Dandiplex De-alkalizes and cleanses the liver
Elderplex I Stimulates the stomach parietal cells to produce HCl
Universalplex Contains Ca and P to stimulate sympathetic nervous system and cleanse the kidneys; provides acid environment to counteract alkalosis
Soliplex Increases filtration of the kidneys to help eliminate excessive toxins and ammonia
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Betaine HCl which counterbalances alkalosis; provides zinc which stimulates the stomach parietal cells to produce HCl
Biophasic Hepatotox Supplies nutrition to the liver stimulating the phase I and II enzymes with in turn eliminate toxins faster
Bio HCl Supplies betaine HCl to the body which assists in lowering the blood pH
Bio-Green Supplies alkaline ash minerals which help resupply the buffer systems with minerals needed to help reestablish the pH balance

  “Allergic patients exhibit metabolic acidosis.” – Russel Jaffe, M.D.
BioActive Botanicals
Barleyplex Alkalinizer; provides alkaline ash minerals
Dandiplex Stimulates bile flow; cleansing and detoxifying of the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder
Mulleinplex Stimulates bronchial dilation; helps remove mucous form the lungs
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Allerforce Stimulates the body’s defenses against inhaled allergens
Enviroforce Stimulates lymphatics to cleanse and release environmental toxins
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Allergen I Desensitizes against various food allergies
Allergen II Desensitizes against various inhaled allergens
Free Radical Aids the body’s intrinsic glutathione system; provides SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) and catalase which aid in sequestering free radical electrons
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
Allerpol-HP Stimulates the body’s defenses against chronic allergy cases
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Caffeic Acid Useful in allergic rhinitis; stimulates pharyngeal drainage
Chlorogenic Acid Useful in allergies to pollen, dusts, and molds
Coniferyl Alcohol Useful in allergic rhinitis; secondary to allergies to pines and evergreens
Gallic Acid Useful in allergic rhinitis and sinusitis
Histamine Aids in decreasing histamine reactions which occur in allergy; stabilizes membranes of mast cells in connective tissue which release histamines
Quercetin Useful in hay fever
Rutin Useful in hay fever
BioActive Tonics
Hay Fever Tonic Provides temporary relief of allergy symptoms. Contains allium, All Cep 12X, Eup. Pef, Hydrastis, Echinacea, Kali Bicarb and pollen nosodes which have an anti- inflammatory effect
Adrenal Tonic Provides adrenal support during allergic response
BioActive Nutritionals
Bio Metabolic Balancer Provides nutritional support for adrenals, pituitary, thyroid and other endocrine glands
Bio Colostrum Provides immunoglobulins IGA, IGM, IGG to enhance the body’s defense against allergens
Bio Adrenal Plus Provides adrenal peptides and cofactors (pantothenic acid, B , zinc, vitamin C)
Hyposcorbate Provides buffered vitamin C to enhance Immune Response
Notes :
1. If respiratory irritation (see “ASTHMA”)
Mulleinplex (lung mucolytic)
Allergen II (inhalant detoxifier)
2. Food allergies
Allergen I
3. Environmental irritants
Allerforce / Enviroforce

Etiology unknown: Aluminum, insecticides / pesticides, heavy metals, and small vessel circulation obstruction are suspect.
BioActive Botanicals
Dandiplex Stimulates bile flow; cleansing and detox of the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder
Ginkgo Contains flavanone glycosides which improve blood flow in the arteries and improve brain oxygenation and cerebral circulation
Ginkgoplex Enhances general circulation
Gotaplex Stimulates nutrient and oxygen uptake of brain cells
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Arterioforce I Enhances coronary and general circulation
Cerebraforce Stimulates brain function; stimulates repair of brain from trauma and injury
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Additox Insecticide detoxifier; stimulates release of insecticides into lymphatics
Chemtox Stimulates detox of common drugs and household chemicals
Dentox Stimulates detox of mercury and other dental toxins in the jaw, head, and neck
Metalogin Stimulates detoxification of heavy metals from the body
Neurotox Stimulates detoxification of heavy metals and insecticides from the brain tissue
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Cerebraplex Enhances brain function; cerebral circulation; oxygenation and nutrient uptake to the brain
Circuloplex Enhances general circulation; helps remove cholesterol and plaque from the arterial lining
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Acetylcholine Stimulates increased neurotransmission between neurons
Chloride 5X
Norepinephrine 4X Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
Serotonin 4X Neurotransmitter, improves memory and sensory perception
BioActive Hormone Sprays
DHEA Forte Enhances memory in the elderly
NADH Plus Enhances cell respiration and memory in the elderly
BioActive HP Formulas
Hypothalamus-HP Stimulates healing of the pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal to help with neurohormonal regulation
Mentox-HP For depression, long standing
Senility-HP For forgetfulness and mental confusion
BioActive Specialty Homeopathics
Neurotrophin 6-12-30X Protein fraction of Naja venom which stimulates nerve growth factor
BioActive Nutritionals
Bio-Mer Detox Contains L-Glutathione, N-Acetyl, L-cysteine, selenium, garlic, and dietary sulfur which help remove mercury and other heavy metals
Bio-Green Contains Chlorella which chelates mercury; spirulina which provides beta carotene and neuropeptides
Bio-Colostrum Provides nerve growth factors
Bio-Sero Nutrients Provides magnesium, B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , B 6 , B 12 , St. John’s Wort, and Ginkgo for enhancing brain function
Sublingual Provides B 12 and folate for enhancing hemoglobin production
B 12 /Folic Acid and offsetting chronic deficiency problems in the elderly
St. John’s Wort Enhances increase of serotonin levels which offset depression
DHEA Enhances memory in the elderly
Pregnenolone Enhances memory in the elderly
CO Q 10 Enhances cell respiration and ATP production
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides generalized nutritional support, provides choline; which is needed for the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter
Brain Cell Respirator Provides NADH, riboflavin, COQ 10 , phosphatidyl serine, D Ribose, alpha-lipoic acid, and acetyl L carnitine. These factors boost ATP output, provide repair for the intermembrane of the mitochondria, enhance detox of metals from the cell, and enhance cell respiration resulting in increased ATP production
Notes :
1. Stimulate and oxygenate brain cells
Brain Cell Respirator
DHEA Forte
Neurotrophin 6X, 12X, 20x
Insecticide/Pesticide Detoxification:
3. Chemical Detox
4. Heavy metal detoxification
Bio-Mer Detox
5. Circulation:

Many experience post-pill suppression 6 months-1 year after birth control pill withdrawal.
BioActive Botanicals
Cohoshplex I Stimulates improved ovarian function through natural estrogen in herbs
Dandiplex Stimulates cleansing of the liver; provides choline which metabolizes estrogen to its metabolites: estradiol, estriol, and estrogen
Kelplex Stimulates the thyroid gland, helps increase BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Dentox Stimulates detox of mercury and other dental toxins
FNG Stimulates detox of molds and fungi
FNG 2 Stimulates Immune Defense against various strains of C. albicans
BioActive Homeopathic Hormone Sprays
Tri Estrogen Supplies homeopathic estriol, estradiol and Estrogen with attach to estrogen receptor sites. This activates the second messenger which in turn activates a cascade of metabolic responses.
Natural Progesterone Supplies homeopathic progesterone which attaches to progesterone receptor sites. This activates the second messenger which in turn activates a cascade of metabolic responses.
BioActive Homeopathic Tinctures
Endoplex F Balances the female endocrine system
Hypothalmaplex Stimulates improved function of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands
Ovaplex Stimulates ovarian and uterine function
Thyroplex Stimulates thyroid function enabling production of T3 and T4; increases BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Apiol Affects the hypothalamic-pituitary axis; helpful in some cases of amenorrhea
Estrogen 4X Improves ovarian function; helps onset of ovulation
BioActive Nutritional
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides B complex, minerals and trace minerals, as well as essential fatty acids (hormone precursors) which nourish the endocrine glands
Bio-Thyro Balance Increases thyroid activity and production of thyroxine. Increasing the metabolic rate may improve or normalize the menstrual cycle.
Biophasic Hepatotox Supplies the nutrients to help metabolize hormones properly to their metabolites.
Bio-Ovarian Plus Supplies nutrients from New Zealand glandulars and cofactors which help the ovaries to produce their hormones properly.
Notes :
1. Stimulate ovaries:
Cohoshplex: provides natural estrogen, magnesium and other minerals
Ovaplex: stimulates ovarian and uterine function
Bio-Ovarian Plus supplies nutrients for the ovaries
Bio-Thyro Balance
2. Counteract Candidiasis:
FNG: molds and fungi
FNG 2: various strains of candida
3. Remove mercury toxicity:
Dentox: stimulates drainage from the jaw, head, and neck through
4. Balance liver:
Dandiplex: provides lipotrophic B vitamins
Biophasic Hepatotox activates phase I and phase II enzymes of the liver
If thyroid involvement suspected: run Basal Metabolic Temperature Chart; take axillary temperature for 10 minutes each morning before rising, beginning on second day of menses, continuing for 10-15 consecutive days. If average temperature is below 98.2°, consider primary low thyroid problem. Thyroid stimulation:
Bio-Thyro Balance

BioActive Botanicals
Nettleplex Provides organic iron, B 12 , folic acid, copper and molybdenum for stimulating RBC production
Universalplex Spring Tonic rich in iron
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Hemoforce Activates the spleen; stimulates bone marrow and RBC building process
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Additox Insecticide detoxifier, stimulates release of insecticides into lymphatics
Chemtox Stimulates detox of common drugs and household chemicals
Dentox Stimulates detox of mercury (which suppresses bone marrow) and other dental toxins
Metalogin Stimulates detoxification of lead and other heavy metals from spleen and bone marrow
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Menadione Provides natural vitamin K which supports the liver in production of fibrinogen, a clotting factor
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritional
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides B 12 , folic acid, copper, iron, zinc, and molybdenum for building up the blood count
Bio-Colostrum Supplies lactoferrin which supplies iron to help improve anemia
Notes :
1. Iron deficiency:
2. Vitamin B12 deficiency:
Bio-Metabolic Balancer
3. Bone marrow suppression due to:
A. Mercury:
B. Insecticides:
C. Heavy Metals:
D. Chemicals and drugs:
Question patient carefully and test by electroacupuncture (EAV) or kinesiology.

Genetically abnormal “Hemoglobin S” crystallizes in capillaries. Cells distort, block capillary circulation, causing pain, collapse to “sickle” shape. Micro-hemorrhages (hemolytic anemia ). Spleen enlarges, liver saturates with iron.
BioActive Botanicals
Black Radish Contains thiocyanate molecule which counteracts the sickling process
Burdockplex Cleanses the liver, contains viscum which aids circulation and cleansing liver
Dandiplex Stimulates bile flow, cleansing and detox of the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder
Ginkgo Contains flavanone glycosides which improve blood flow in the arteries; prevents platelets from sticking and retards the sickling process
Lapachoplex Contains naphthoquinone molecule which counteracts the sickling process
Nettleplex Provides organic iron, B 12 , folic acid, copper and molybdenum for stimulating RBC production; contains chlorophyll for blood purifying
Trifoloplex Stimulates cleansing of the spleen
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Cardioforce 1 Improves coronary circulation
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
VIROTOX Stimulates Immune Defense against various viral infections
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Cardioplex Stimulates cardiac pumping action
Circuloplex Enhances general circulation; helps remove cholesterol and plaque from the arterial lining
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Menadione Provides natural vitamin K which supports the liver in production of fibrinogen, a clotting factor
Quercetin Reduces vascular permeability
Rutin Reduces vascular permeability
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Activin Grape seed bioflavonoid which helps stabilize RBC membranes
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides essential fatty acids, precursors to Prostaglandin E1 production; PGE prevents platelets from sticking; provides folic acid and B 12 , for improving blood count
Bio-Vitamin E100 iu  Helps stabilize RBC membranes
plus selenium 100 mcg CoQ 10  Supplies antioxidant support and coenzyme factor for the mitochondria
Sublingual B 12 /Folate Helps improve anemic situations in SS patients
Bio-antioxidant Supplies a balanced antioxidant which helps to stabilize RBC membranes and prevent SS crises
Notes :
Long term maintenance required to avoid crises:
1. AC-CARBAMIDE (Standard Process Labs) 0.5-1 tbsp BID in pineapple juice to help stop sickling.
2. Bio-Metabolic Balancer
3. Herbs:
Burdockplex: lymphatics
Black Radish: sickling
Circuloplex: improves circulation
Dandiplex: liver
Ginkgo: cell oxygenation
Lapachoplex: stimulate cell respiration
Nettleplex: fortifies blood; chlorophyll to purify blood
4. Alkaline-ash minerals:
5.  Nutrition:
Cassava Root (yam family): contains thiocyanate molecule which prevent sickling from occurring (available at most health food suppliers)

BioActive Botanicals
Cratagoplex I Stimulates coronary blood flow; relaxes the coronary vessels; hawthorn berry stimulates cardiac function
Cratagoplex II Contains hawthorn berry, convallaria, and black cohosh which have alkaloids, which improve impulse conduction through the heart
Dandiplex Cleanses the liver; milk thistle seeds contain the EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) precursor to Prostaglandin E1, which vasodilates the arteries; prevents platelets from sticking; improves blood flow
Ginkgo Increases oxygen in the blood stream; enhances the delivery of O 2  to the heart muscle
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Arrhythmiaforce Improves heart rhythm via digitalis, convallaria, and cratageous
Cardioforce 1 Improves coronary circulation
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
VIROTOX Stimulates immune defense against Coxsackie B virus which may be causative agent of conduction problems in the heart
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Cardioplex Stimulates cardiac function; enhances oxygen utilization
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
CV-HP Improves coronary circulation and cardiac function in chronic heart disease
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
L-Dopa Neurotransmitter; improves heart rhythm
Taurine Improves heart rhythm
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-Amino Card Provides peptides of heart tissue, taurine, magnesium, and potassium which enhance the ATP production in the heart mitochondria; L-arginine enhances production of nitric oxide which vasodilates coronaries
CoQ10 Stimulate uptake of O 2 and enhances ATP production in the heart mitochondria Immune
Cell Respirator Provides D-ribose CoQ10, NADH, riboflavin which greatly enhance the mitochondria to increase ATP production
Notes :
1.  If arrhythmia related:
Cratagoplex II
2. If tests reveal Coxsackie B virus has settled in heart conduction muscle system (after flu-like system):
3. If high cholesterol:
Dandiplex (improves LDL/HDL ratio)

BioActive Botanicals
Boroplex Provides omega 6 EFA (Essential Fatty Acid), a precursor to Prostaglandin E1; stimulates thymus
Dandiplex Stimulates bile flow, cleansing and detox of the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder
Gingerplex I Stimulates the pancreas; improves low blood sugar
Gotaplex Contains ginseng, which has an adaptagenic factor useful in chronic stress
Valeriplex Contains valerian root and hops; useful to calm the nervous system
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Relaxoforce Relaxes the nerves and muscles; relieves symptoms of daily stress
Somonese Relaxes the nervous system and sleep center to provide natural sleep
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Cerebraplex Enhances brain function, cerebral circulation, oxygenation and nutrient uptake to the brain; contains adaptagenic factors to combat chronic stress
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
ANX-HP Relaxes nervous system and decreases anxiety in chronic cases
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Dopamine Neurotransmitter; counteracts anxiety
L-Dopa Neurotransmitter; improves chronic anxiety
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-adrenal Plus Supplies enzymatic prepared New Zealand glandular of adrenal. These peptides of adrenal along with nutritional cofactors help the body to better cope with stress.
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides pantothenic acid, B6, zinc, vitamin C, copper, and other factors needed by the adrenals for maintaining the proper output of hormones
Notes :
1.   If experiencing insomnia:
2.   If exhaustion, adrenal insufficiency:
Bio-Adrenal Plus

Deposits of plaque cause restricted arterial flow and hardening of arteries.
BioActive Botanicals
Dandiplex Cleanses the liver; contains milk thistle which helps reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol
Equistaplex Assists in removal of plaque from the lining of the arteries
Ginkgo Contains flavanone glycosides which improve blood flow in the arteries and prevent platelets from sticking
Ginkgoplex Enhances general circulation
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Arterioforce I Enhances general circulation and coronary circulation
Arterioforce II Enhances general circulation and circulation in the lower extremities
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
CV Tox Stimulates Immune Response against CMV
Additox Insecticide detoxifier; stimulates release of insecticides into lymphatics
Free Radical Aids the body’s intrinsic glutathione system; provides SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) and catalase which aid in sequestering free radical electrons
Metalogin Helps remove heavy metals (lead) from the artery lining
Tobaccotox Stimulates detox of tobacco from the body
VIROTOX Helps detox viral infection from artery lining
Gynotox/Androtox Stimulates Immune Response against Chlamydia
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Circuloplex Enhances general circulation; helps remove cholesterol and plaque from the arterial lining
Hormone Sprays
Immune Fortifier Enhances responses; acts as antioxidant and promotes improved hormonal balance
Androbalance Enhances hormonal balancing in the andropausal male
Gynobalance Enhances hormonal balancing in he menopausal female
  BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-Antioxidant Helps reduce free radicals, which increase plaque formation
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides essential fatty acid precursor for production of Prostaglandin E1 which prevents platelets from sticking and improves circulation
Activin Potent antioxidant from grape seed. It helps protect against free radical damage
Bio-EPA Provides omega 3 chain of essential fatty acids which enhance prostaglandin E3. This causes decreased plaque formation, vasodilator of vessels; and enhances blood flow
Bio-Chondroitin Sulfate Mucopolysaccharide which helps to decrease plaque formation in Atherosclerosis
Circuloflow #2 Oral chelating agent with EDTA designed to help remove heavy metals from artery lining. In the artery 98 enzyme systems are usually functioning but as arteriosclerosis develops, at least one half of the enzymes are blocked by heavy metals. These are slowly removed by introducing Circuloflow #2 over 6 to 12 months
Gugulipid Botanical which activates the liver’s production of HDL cholesterol
Bio Vitamin E 100 iu  Vitamin E selenium protects the vascular lining and cellular
plus Selenium 100 mg membranes against Hydroxy Free radicals. It prevents LDL from being oxidized.
Phyto-Oxydants Combination of potent phyto chemicals which are powerful antioxidants. These protect against free radical damage to cell membranes and DNA. They block carcinogenic agents which promote development of cancer in the cells.
CO Q10 Enhances oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production in the mitochondria
Wobe Enzyme Decreases inflammation and C reactive protein in unstable plaque
Notes :
1. Long term therapy used in conjunction with EDTA Chelation Therapy
Dandiplex: for liver
Equistaplex: lower blood pressure, break down plaque
Ginkgo: tones capillaries; increases oxygenation
Circuloplex: stimulate, cleanse and rebuild aorta, trachea; reduces plaque in the arteries

Multifaceted etiology leading to joint pain and deterioration.
BioActive Botanicals
Barleyplex Provides alkaline ash minerals, potassium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc; SOD and catalase provide an anti- inflammatory effect
Cascaraplex Contains anthraquinone compounds which stimulate peristaltic action; removes toxins out of the liver
Hydrangeaplex Cleanses liver and gall bladder; supplies hydrangea which removes abnormal calcium deposits
Novaplex I Contains devil’s claw, yucca, sarsaparilla, all of which contain plant sterols which provide an anti-inflammatory effect
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Osteoforce Decreases inflammation of large joints and back
Rheumaforce Decreases inflammation of small joints; helps decrease uric acid and gout attacks
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Amoebatox Stimulates detox of the digestive tract and lymphatic system from amoebic toxins; stimulates Immune System against giardia and amoebas
Systemic Detox Cleanses blood and lymphatics; contains medorrhinum nosode for arthritis
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Lymphoplex Stimulates cleansing of the lymphatics and spleen
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
Arthritis-HP Reduces swelling and inflammation in chronic conditions; decreases inflammation of joints and back
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Malvin Helps decrease inflammation in arthritis
Piperine Predominant in the nightshade family; decreases inflammation in arthritis
BioActive Oligoelements
Diathesis 1 (Manganese) Enhances urea cycle, increases production of T4, increases bone mucopolysaccharide and collagen tissue formation
BioActive Hormone Sprays
DHEA Forte DHEA and pregnenolone have anti- inflammatory effects in arthritis; DHEA increases interleukin II and decreases inflammatory interleukin 6
BioActive Tonics
Rheumatic Tonic I Contains licorice 3X, yam apir 12X, pycnogenol 6X which have anti- inflammatory action
Rheumatic Tonic II Contains aconite 12X, ledum 12X, rhus tox 12X, symphytum MT, devil’s claw MT, willow bark MT, which have anti- inflammatory action
Lymph II Enhances lymph drainage and reactivation of suppressed connective tissue inflammatory response which promotes healing
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-Colotox Cleansing effect on the colon; absorbs colon toxins, promotes normal flora and pH regulation
Bio-Fiberclenz Bulk cleaner of the colon; stimulates detox of the liver, kidney and colon
Bio-Metabolic Balancer Provides nutritional support for the adrenal glands, circulatory system and liver; provides prostaglandin E1 which counters inflammatory prostaglandins F1 and F2, which are common in arthritis
Bio-Green Provides alkaline ash minerals, enzymes, phytonutrient needed by joints
  Pregnenolone Enhances anti- inflammatory action and decreases arthritis pain
Phyto-Oxydants Protect the cell membranes from potent free radicals
Activin Anti-inflammatory action in the joints
Bio-Arthi Plus Provides glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, sea cucumber, bromelain, shark cartilage , bovine cartilage , mucopolysaccharide, yucca and bilberry which enhance the repair of jointcartilage and decrease joint inflammation
Bio-Colostrum Provides immunoglobulins and thymic factor which enhance the Immune Response
Notes :
1. Diet: Avoid smoking, alcohol, complex carbohydrates, and sugars.
2 Cleanse colon
Cascaraplex: Contains anthraquinones which stimulate smooth muscle and peristaltic action
Bio-Colotox: Absorbs toxins from the colon
Bio-Fiberclenz: Bulk cleanser of the colon
Barleyplex: Alkaline ash minerals
Hydrangeaplex: Removes calcium deposits
Novaplex 1: Anti-inflammatory
Rheumaforce: Anti-inflammatory
System Detox: Lymph cleanser, blood purifier
Lymphoplex: Lymphatic cleanse
3. Digestive problems:
Bio-Metabolic Balancer
Elderplex I
Bio-Digeszyme P
4. Support adrenal insufficiency:
Bio-Adrenal Plus
5.   Possible amoebic infestation of joints and lymphatics:

“Hypersensitivity to inhalants, may be result of earlier suppressed toxins . . . ” – Dr. H. Reckeweg.
  Produces acidotic condition.
BioActive Botanicals
  Mulleinplex Stimulates bronchial dilation; helps remove mucous from the lungs
Ulmaplex Causes bronchial relaxation
BioActive Homeopathic Combinations
Allerforce Stimulates relaxation of the bronchial tree in allergy related asthma
Asthmaforce Causes relaxation of the bronchial tree; indicated in secondary stages of detox
BioActive Homeopathic Detoxifiers
Allergen II Desensitizes against various inhaled allergens
Pneumotox Stimulates detox of the lungs; removes heavy metals and industrial pollutants
BioActive Homeopathic Endocrine Tinctures
Adrenoplex Stimulates adrenal function
Pneumoplex Stimulates lung function
BioActive Homeopathic HP Formulas
Asth-HP Causes relaxation of the bronchial tree in chronic asthma cases
Pneumo-HP Stimulates repair and detox of lungs in chronic lung disorders
BioActive Homeopathic Phenolic Isodes
Cinnamic Acid Useful in cases of asthma
Coumarin Useful in cases of asthma; helps to relax the bronchial tree
BioActive Homeopathic Nutritionals
Bio-adrenal Plus Supplies peptides of adrenal and nutritional cofactors which help to build up the adrenals. This helps in bronchial relaxation.
Notes :
1. To break asthma attack:
Have patient lie down with 2 towels, as hot as tolerable, on back over each lung for 3 minutes. Rub Mulleinplex into heated skin, and place 2 more towels on back.


Все наши продукты производятся в сертифицированных FDA лабораториях, сертифицированных по стандартам GMP, в Германии, Швейцарии, США, Индии и Испании. Они надлежащим образом зарегистрированы в FDA в качестве пищевых добавок, гомеопатических аттенуаций или аюрведических трав. Для обеспечения оптимального качества и чистоты соблюдаются максимальная осторожность. Biogetica - это веб-сайт, посещаемый со всего мира. Некоторые страны считают Аюрведу, ТКМ, БАДы, биоэнергетику и гомеопатию медициной, а другие - нет. Чтобы соответствовать различным нормам FDA многих стран, мы говорим:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

Информация, представленная на этом веб-сайте, не была оценена Управлением по контролю за продуктами и лекарствами. Наши продукты не предназначены для диагностики, лечения, лечения или профилактики любых заболеваний.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

В соответствии с Законом о политике в области борьбы с торговлей людьми в отношении требований к маркетингу для внебиржевых гомеопатических препаратов любой человек, который продает гомеопатию, должен заявить.

Недостаточно научных доказательств того, что гомеопатия работает, и

The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Наши средства правовой защиты традиционно используются в аюрведе и гомеопатии на протяжении веков. Каждое средство имеет различное количество современных исследований за этим. Мы, соблюдая закон, не претендуем на чудодейственное лечение или постоянные результаты. Индивидуальные результаты могут варьироваться от человека к человеку.

*** Попробуйте наши продукты сейчас! Наша безусловная 100% гарантия возврата денег действительна для 90 дней.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on scholar.google.com. Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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